Love is Space

“Love is space. It is developing our own capacity for spaciousness within ourselves to allow others to be as they are. That is love. And that doesn’t mean that we don’t have hopes or wishes that things are changed or shifted, but that to come from a place of love is to be in acceptance of what is, even in the face of moving it towards something that is more whole, more just, more spacious for all of us.”

I found myself loving this rather profound quote this morning, from rev angel Kyodo Williams. She’s a writer, activist and ordained Zen priest. She made my soul sing on this beautiful morning in Wellington.

Its remarkable how crowded life and work have become. Or at least it seems that way to me. Not for myself, as I sit grateful for my own spaciousness of life. But for others, some very close to me, feeling bruised, squeezed, dented as they struggle with the relentless pressure and inhumanity of their work. My heart goes out to you. You are my heroes, today. You know who you are, and I feel very close to you this morning.

Is there any more meaningful work, than creating the space for ourselves and others on our pilgrimage through work and life, I wonder.

Kim and Bernie


Seeing More


Human Nature